Tri-it-now Plan of Action (Super Summer Sprint)

Version: 20160710 v1



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Rally Point

We will meet in the parking lot of the Freedom Center (9100 Freedom Center Blvd, Manassas, VA 20110) in the East Lot (see the Maps below) no later than 0645 for briefing. The race is scheduled to begin at 0730.

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Our primary mission is eyes on the course to provide safety. In the event of an emergency, please dial 9–1–1, then report the incident to Shadow.


HTs should be sufficient for this event, mobiles are also acceptable. Shadow and Start-Stop will likely require headsets due to the amount of noise in the area.

Operational Parameters

We plan to operate on simplex at 147.525. We will backstop this with the the W4OVH repeater at 146.970- PL 100.0.

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Bike Map
Bike Map
Run Map
Run Map

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